Monday, April 5, 2010

Leah's 1st Easter

This post could be about Easter but it's really mainly about Leah so I titled it Leah's 1st Easter!  :)  Those of you with a baby around know what I'm talking about, you go to a house with 10 adults and 1 baby and all the attention is on the baby!

Leah & Uncle Austin

How cute is that face?!

Easter baskets!

Leah with her Lainey & Pops

Leah, Tracy & Emily  
They dressed alike and didn't know it until we were all together, funny stuff.

Big girl "walking"!

Leah with cousin Emily

Aunt Janet & Miss Thang

Sugarland Autreys

Leah got to open her Easter basket gifts, I guess she thought it was getting a little boring

Apparently so did the guys!  Ha!

After a quick wardrobe change we got back to business.  Um, excuse me Leah, why are you looking at your Aunt Kelly like that?!

Tracy, my mom and I decided Leah needed a photo shoot so we headed outside because clearly there weren't enough pictures of her already!  ;)  

Pretty girl!

Minnie, why are you licking my face?!  Ick!

Love her!

Enter your own caption here!  What do you think she's thinking while watching Lainey try to get her to smile?

I hope everyone had a great Easter!  We had a great day and believe it or not, there were actually times when Leah wasn't around but I just didn't take any pictures of those times  ;)

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers