Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

When you're this cute...

and you're face is this sweet... 

and your smile lights up a room....

you need TWO Halloween outfits!

Mommy's little sweet pea.  I've called her that since she was born.  That actually was the 1st thing I said to her in the delivery room "Hey sweet pea!"  I have no idea why, what can I say, I was on some serious meds.  Ha!  But when I saw this pea costume I knew what she was dressing as for Halloween!

Cutest little pea I've ever seen!

Silly girl trying to eat her hand (something she constantly is doing!)

Happy Halloween everyone!


JB said...

She is absolutely precious!!! Can't wait to meet her in person!!

etphonehome21 said...

I love her nickname and that she was dressed up as that! So cute!

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