Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Week - Part Four, Waco

Christmas week is officially over!  We made our final trip of the week to Cindy's side of the family in Waco.  Everyone was there, all 21 of us!
Here is picture of Garrett & Noah riding around on Noah's new 4-wheeler.  Those boys have the best time together, it's so cute.

The Hortons plate, I think it's so pretty. 

Austin's Grandmother has a love for clowns.  A SERIOUS love for clowns!  Austin said that once years ago they tried to count all of them around the house and the number was in the 1000s!  Here is the little clown tree in the kitchen.  Austin & Cindy are in the background cooking away for our big lunch.

They have a huge tree that is full of beautiful ornaments.  And lots of presents around the tree!

Aunt Jan, Cindy's sister owns a shop called Jan's Perfect Presents in Waco so there are tons of cute Christmas decorations all over the house.  Here is the "Santa Ladder" in the living room

All the stocking hanging!

The entire house is decorated for Christmas

The table is always decorated for the season

There is a kid under that umbrella.  There was a few breaths being held in fear of the tree coming down or eyes being poked out while trying to close the umbrella!

The Townsends & Rohwedders

The May Family, Emory, Zach & Adriane.  Emory was pretty much DONE at this point, she's so cute.  She's very excited about her 2nd birthday next week.  :)

The Stutzman Family, Chris, Alison & Noah

The Ellis Family, Melissa (w/baby Ellis on the way next month), Jason & Garrett

I hope everyone had a great Christmas!

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